New Patients and Forms
At this time, Highlands Family Medicine is NOT accepting new patients.
We apologize for the inconvenience, please call our front desk at 303-420-1297 if you have any questions.
Highlands Family Medicine New Patient Packet
To speed up the registration process, we have linked our patient packet to our website.
It is very simple to print out these forms. Just click on the link and the form will pull up. All you need to do is print it, fill out the information requested, and bring it to your first visit.
Patients who have not been seen in over three years will need to fill out the same forms as new patients. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call.
New Patients – Please print out the forms and complete, and bring them to your appointment.
Patient Information – Required
New Patient History Form – Required
HFM Consent To Disclose – Required
HFM Financial Policies – Required
HFM Office Policies – Required
HFM Medical Release Form – Optional, if you would like to have your previous records sent here, please fill this out and send it to your previous provider. It is always helpful for our doctors to have your previous records on hand for your appointment.
Notice of Privacy Practices – Optional, for your records.

Medical Dictionary
Gain a better understanding of medical terminology by searching our dictionary of more than 1,300 terms. Use the tool

Symptom Search
This easy-to-use symptom checker can help you figure out what might be ailing you.

Immunization Schedule
Keep your family healthy by staying up-to-date on immunizations for adults and children.